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Welcome to a whole world of better.

Give a little, get a lot. Enroll in Holon Health to get cash rewards and quality healthcare. Plus, we may be able to get your drug tests paid for!

Start Today

In addition to offering direct services, we also build impactful partnerships. Find out how.

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Save Money
& Earn Cash

Sign up to get cash rewards and to see if we can cover the cost of your drug tests (Hint: We usually can!). Our program is free – and it’s simple. All you have to do is log in to our app and participate in micro-lessons and therapeutic exercises. (We promise, no trust falls). Who knew improving your whole health could come with such awesome rewards?

Start Earning
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Man with tattoos

Judgement Free

We get it. Life can be hard. But getting help doesn’t have to be. Think of us as your number one cheerleader – always here to support, encourage, and reward you so that you can meet your unique goals. No stigma. No judgment. Just high-quality healthcare.

Woman with hands in pockets

The Specifics

We’re a one-stop shop for healthcare and related services, especially if you’ve had struggles related to drug use. We offer convenient telehealth appointments, prescriptions, and 24/7 availability on our app. Need help finding a doctor or a community resource? Just holler. Ready to do this?

Let's Go!

We’re bringing better to more and more people.

Holon Health areas of service
Holon Health areas of service